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Fad Diets Why Are They Bad

Fad diets are diets that have been created to be used for a small amount of time.  Another popular culture meaning for the term is a diet that becomes wildly popular for a period of a small number of months to a small number of years, and then fades into obscurity.

Such diets include Jenny Craig as well as the Grape Fruit Diet, cabbage soup diet and the all famous South Beach Diet.


Food Faddism is another name given to these fad diets. A food fad is a phenomenon in which some food or category of food all of a sudden becomes very prevalent. These all have a couple of things in common with each other:

As an instance of these fundamentals of fad diets in the diet, take the Atkins diet. In this diet carbohydrates are the Keystone component that is negative and consequently to be avoided. Low carbohydrates are extremely desirous in Atkins, because it follows that the body enters a super fat burning condition.

This diet even included short periods, followed by sustained phases. But Dr. Atkins did intend that individuals could have a meal this way for the rest of their lives.

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The Atkins diet was also one of these fad diets in that massive popularity was fairly short-lived. For a number of years anybody who was thinking of dieting thought about the Atkins diet .  Individuals from Hollywood actors to politicians were all going on the Atkins diet. But after the loss of life of Dr. Atkins, the diet became much less of a household word.


There are many risks connected  with fad diets.  The Subway diet made trendy in television commercials wasn’t exempt. At its center was a young man named Jarred who had lost hundreds of pounds in only a year by eating nothing more than Subway sandwiches.

In reality Jarred restricted his caloric intake from over ten thousand calories a day to only 900.  Such an extreme level of caloric intake cuts and rapid fat loss is unhealthy. The diet did comprise various positive aspects such as exercise, like walking.

Approach fad diets with caution. You’re better off researching how to eat well on an everyday basis and uphold a program of rigorous exercise. One of the better weight loss programs online today is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

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