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Free Quick Weight Loss Tips

There are many programs, diet pills and systems to help you lose weight, however, when money is tight, there are always free quick weight loss tips you can perform to save money and lose weight.

Many of these tips can be taken advantage of every day by just adding them into your regular schedule of activities.

Reduce Your Calorie Intake

One of the most effective methods is to minimize your intake of high calorie, high carbohydrate foods that metabolize into fat almost immediately. These foods include sugary snacks, sodas, bread, and potato chips. You may enjoy this article on the top 10 weight loss foods to eat.

Improve Your Metabolism

Eliminating the high carbohydrate foods will force your body to use up the already stored energy in your body, which is fat.

This will also increase your metabolism and help to burn off the excess fat. If you are not sure what foods are high in carbohydrates, check the labels, the amount of carbohydrates you intake each day should be less than 10%, until you have burned off a sufficient amount of fat and lost weight.

Make Exercise A Daily Routine

You can also do some sort of aerobic exercise each day as part of your routine. This can include a brisk walk around the neighborhood, a few jumping jacks, or a short jog.

Any exercise that will help get your heart pumping will also burn off excess calories and reduce your weight.

Combining several exercises in a short period each day is an ideal free quick weight loss idea.

You do not need to spend hours exercising, rather a mere 15 or 20 minutes twice each day will help burn the fat.


If you want to start your own program, keep a daily journal of all your activities so you may chart your progress. This will help you pinpoint the things that have helped you lose the weight, and in the subsequent weeks, you can continue repeating what works for you. It’s important to chart the foods you are eating, the exercises you are performing and your daily weight so you can see what is and what isn’t working.

Know What Your Eating

When selecting food, avoid the tricks of the many slick advertisers who put terms like low-fat or fat-free on their products. Just because it’s low in fat and fat-free does not mean that it is healthy or that it will help you lose weight. For instance, a 6-ounce serving of yogurt that is low-fat has 120 calories, I bet you didn’t know that.

That is a huge amount of calories in one small desert that will not fill you up, and most likely make you want to eat more. It’s much better for you to eat an 8-ounce steak, that is full of protein as well as all the nutrition you will get from either the vegetables or salad, and which your body will burn off quicker.

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