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Lost Weight, Tell Us Your Story

With so many stories online about people who have lost weight it is really hard to decide what is true and what is false.

So if you have lost weight and have kept that weight off we would like to hear your story.

Did you do it by following one of the many diet programs online or have you used one of the major weight loss companies such as Jenny Craig.

Having a blog on weight loss we are constantly hearing stories of those that claim to have succeeded with weight loss by following this diet or that, however it is really hard to determine who is really telling the truth.

With claims such as “I loss 20lbs of fat in 30 days” and all the quick weight loss guides that you can find all over the internet we thought it only suitable that we ask you the person that has actually lost weight to actually tell those that are desperately looking for that magic weight loss solution.

How Did You Find The Weight Loss Program And Did It Result In Lost Weight

What we would like to know and I am sure all of our readers would to is what steps you took to find the diet that actually helped you to lose your weight, was it hard to follow and what were the costs involved and was the lost weight a result of good dietary management and exercise or was it some fad diet where you were starving yourself.

Are Those Movie Stars Claiming To Have Dropped Weight Merely Doing It For The Money

I don’t know about you but its seems that every time you turn on your TV or open a magazine you are hearing some celebrity claiming that they lost weight by using this diet or that, if you have used any of these celebrity diets or fad diets we would really like to hear your story as well whether you lost weight or not.

Have You Reduced Weight Without Using Any Diets Or Gimmicks

If you are someone that has taken control of your own dietary needs we would also like to hear from you and whether you lost weight how much weight and whether or not you are still at you desired weight.

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