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Subway Diet

Ask just about anybody about the Subway Diet and they’ll tell you about Jared and how he lost a massive 245 pounds in just one year by eating Subway sandwiches. I’m sure you have heard about it, but if you have not it’s time for the rest of the story.

The History of Jared’s Success

Like most college students Jared Fogle needed to work a part-time job, this was at an adult book store, to have enough money to go through college. 

And to top off his weight issues he sat for long hours in a class each day, then at work he sat long hours behind the counter at the adult video store while eating snacks from boredom, and as a result ended up weighing 425 pounds.

I am sure you can figure this out his weight and health situation had become very hazardous. Jared needed an effective way to lose weight that suited his lifestyle.

Here Is What We Know To Be The Truth About Jared Fogle

He tried different diets for some time, but they didn’t work for him as he still had all those boring hours behind a counter where he could cheat. It all started when he noticed a Subway sandwich franchise about a mile and a half from his home. 

Without even realizing it he was about to invent the Subway diet which started as 1 sandwich and diet drinks.

Jared decided to skip breakfast every day (which according to many experts is very bad for you), walk the mile and a half there and back to the Subway Restaurant for both his lunch and dinner during which he would only eat a sandwich, a bag of baked chips and a diet soft drink.

His calorie intake immediately dropped from around 10,000 calories being consumed each day to only 900, with 6 miles of walking thrown in for good measure.  The outcome of Jared’s secret Sandwich diet was a loss of weight for a total of 245 pounds in one year.

So why did this diet become such a nationwide marketing campaign for the Subway chain causing another fad diet to be born?  One day Jared Fogle happen upon a friend who was a reporter for the local school paper. This friend hardly acknowledged Jared due to his weight loss, so it was then that he made the decision to write a story about his amazing results with weight loss. 

An editor or someone associated with a  Health magazine for Men read about Jared Fogle and decided to add his story into a feature article about strange diets that work.

Then as fate would have it a local Chicago Subway restaurant owner read the Men’s Health magazine and saw the article, he showed this to his advertising people who then contacted Jared to verify that he really was losing weight on subway diet and to get the complete story and not just eating a diet of green beans and a peanut butter sandwich. 

They took this marketing idea to Subway’s national ad agency who disliked the idea at first, so they created a local campaign for Chicago featuring the Subway diet.

If you are one of the many people online today looking to lose weight fast, but with a healthy menu plan then you should be considering a diet such as Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle it is much more affordable and you get to not only lose weight but tone up as well.

Needless to say the Subway sandwich diet became a huge hit. Suddenly Jared and his Subway diet were everywhere in the newspapers, on television, even on the Oprah Show.  Subway’s national marketing people contacted the Chicago marketing people as this wished to now get involved and to start televising the promotional ad nationally.

Some people have had great success with the diet and some have not seen any results so you would have to ask, does the subway diet really work. You really need to be mindful that Jared’s extreme program of calorie cutting and extreme weight loss are, as a fact, potentially harmful. 

You should consider more moderation in a diet, but as we all know physical exercise and reducing calories are a proven and endorsed combination in the battle against obesity and many health related problems.

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