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Three Highly Effective Top Health Foods For The Brain

Effective top health foods for brain health are known for their unique way of encouraging the regeneration of brain cells.

These foods also are known for stimulating the pituitary gland, improving memory, inducing calmness and preventing diseases that are common to the brain.

There are many top health foods but in this article we can only have “the fantastic” three. They include;

The First of Our Top Health Foods Is Matcha

The Japanese Matcha (stone-ground Gyokuru green tea powder) is the highest quality, most carefully cultivated green tea variety.

The powder itself is so rich in chlorophyll (from the shade growing) that it’s literally bright green.

When mixed with water it becomes a rich, bitter-sweet, Kermit-colored concoction whose effects you can actually feel almost immediately after drinking a cup of it.

It is best known as the traditional, ceremonial top food drink tightly interwoven with the Buddhist ceremonies and tradition. Matcha’s unique effects on the brain were a perfect fit for monks in Japan who endure 12-hour straight meditation sessions. Calming and focusing while stimulating at the same time is the perfect combination.

This is due to its amino acid L-Thiamine content. The top health food drink is a blend of an extremely concentrated, ultra-high quality form of antioxidants, catechins, vitamins such as C and A, and Fluoride. In addition, Epigallocatechin Gallate, a compound found uniquely in green teas is known to possess almost unbelievable anti-cancer, anti-aging and overall health benefits.

The Second Of Our Top Health Foods Is Coffee Beans

The coffee bean is incredibly rich with antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Fresh ground, gently roasted coffee bean powder (again, like with cacao) has numerous brain and body health benefits.

This includes the caffeine content, which is also very good for the brain. The stimulation of the brain actually can prevent the development of mental disorders.
Regular coffee consumption actually reduces the risk of mental decline and diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Recently, studies revealed that coffee beans are the basic source of antioxidants in the average American diet.

However, the problem comes in when you combine coffee with other unhealthy things, such as cream and sugar. It is safer to go for a high-quality organic coffee freshly ground into an Espresso-grade powder and served as a couple shots of fresh espresso, straight.

The Third Of Our Top Health Foods Is Wild Salmon

Wild salmon is not only a good top health food for brain health but it qualifies as “incredible” across virtually every other health standard. It is clearly one of the healthiest foods that one can eat. Wild salmon is a true brain food.

One of the best sources of essential fatty acids (such as the all-important Omega-3) and a rich source of high-quality non-land animal protein, low in saturated fat.

This top health food can help do everything from improve your brain matter, your mood, your synaptic connections, your arteries. It can also reduce your risk of stroke and Dementia and Alzheimer’s and much more.

It is also important to know that only wild salmon contains the highest levels of the good stuff that your brain & body crave. By contrast, most farm-raised salmon exist in a locked-up, artificial and sometimes contaminated environment, and thus have to be fed food to make them look orange and healthy instead of white and sickly.

Wild salmon is only available during a short season in the year, so get it while it’s available.

This is our list of top health foods for the brain if you have others you would like to add or you have tried any of these powerful foods we would really like to hear what you have to say about them.

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