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Tips for Losing Weight- Keeping It Gone For Good!

Losing weight will only become a struggle if you make it so.

Well, where do we start?

Here are some weight loss tips that I have used in the past and will hopefully get you motivated to do something about your weight today!

Fruits and Vegetables

Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day. Eat at least five servings daily. Fruits and vegetables are full of disease fighting antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre. They are also bulk dense foods that will fill you up quickly, so you will eat less. Fruits and veggies are also low in calories, and they taste good!

Eat Fresh Foods

Eat fresh foods that you prepare yourself as opposed to pre-packaged and processed foods or fast foods. The latter is very high in fat and sodium making it bad news for the waistline and the heart. In the same way, choose fresh foods over canned foods whenever possible. If fresh is too expensive, then buy frozen. Watch for sales at your local stores as long as the quality is good!

Don’t Load Up Your Plate!

Be cognizant of how much food you eat at a sitting. Do not load your plate to the brim and refrain from having a second helping. When you eat at a restaurant chances are you order a dish of food that is way too filling. If you order too much ask a waiter to put it in a takeaway container for you to take home. It can be your lunch for the next day!

Slow Down on Sugar

Be aware of the amount of sugar you consume on a daily basis. Sugar can pack on pounds faster than anything else you eat, and your body may even start craving a sugar fix.

Soft drinks are full of sugar and empty calories. Cut back on your consumption of all sugary drinks including soda pop and fruit juices. Stop adding sugar to your coffee or tea. If you can forego the cream, then do so as well. If not, then switch to low fat (or skim) milk. The best beverage to drink is water. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Water fills the stomach up and makes you feel satiated.

Be Physically Active

Exercise on a consistent basis. Walk, bike, run, swim, dance, take an aerobics class, play tennis, or play sports. Be as physically active as you can. Seek to get 30 to 45 minutes of exercise per day. To burn even more calories and to keep your bones healthy, do weight-bearing exercises at least twice a week. Even five pounds weights can make a difference.

Hey, even I can get some exercise I wake up in the morning have a healthy breakfast then instead of watching the news and television for thirty minutes I go for a walk around the neighbourhood with an earpiece in one ear listening to music or my favourite local radio station.

Start the Day Off Right

Begin your day with a healthy breakfast and do not skip meals!

Skipping meals will sabotage your weight loss efforts in the long run. To balance out the calories, you take in and to keep your blood sugar level where it should be, eat five to six small meals throughout the day as opposed to three big meals. Make sure they are healthy meals! Some simple foods to take to work include carrot and celery sticks, low-fat crackers and yoghurt.

Say So Long to Salt!

End your longstanding love affair with salt!

Salt will add on pounds, and it is not good for the heart. Consider this- eating salty foods leads to hunger which in turn means that you are more likely to reach for a drink that is artificially sweetened or loaded with sugar.

Salt and sugar all at once- not good!

Put down the salt shaker and look for healthy alternatives to use as seasoning for food (such as rosemary, ginger, bay leaves, pepper, garlic or nutmeg). When you are thirsty, pour yourself a glass of water.

Indulge Just A Little

Allow yourself an occasional treat such as a slice of pizza, ice cream or a piece of chocolate. If you make your plan to lose fat too restrictively, you are less likely to stick to it, and it will become a chore that you are more likely to abandon. Just don’t make having a treat an everyday occurrence!

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