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5 Top Health Foods for Babies

Organic Foods

The good thing about this set of baby foods is that it is mostly chemical free and they come in their natural form.

Thus, they are becoming in popular demand for parents – especially new parents. Many parents today are choosing to feed their babies organic foods, even though they don’t eat organic themselves.

In the United States there are a couple of them that are popular for their high nutrient contents, they include; Tasty Baby, plum organics and homemade baby organic foods.

Some of them are classified under so smooth, kind of chunky and good mushy. These organic foods are good starters for baby solid foods and they are free of dangerous radicals common with the conventional packaged food.

Breast Milk

The breast milk is one of the top health foods that has stood the test of time. Studies have shown that the breast milk plays a great role in the mental and physiological development of your baby.

Hard core baby nutritionists still maintain that there is no substitute for the top health food.

The great milk is also reputed to have some positive effect on the baby’s immune system and can even protect it from certain skin irritating conditions.


As good as it tastes apples have been observed to provide babies with the lightest compounds of anti-oxidants protecting them from some skin problems that they could suffer as you take them on a walk under the scorching sun.

Apple is save for consumption for babies above six months however, you should get organic ones as researches has shown that about 91% of apples tested in the US by the USDA contained pesticide residues.

In addition, you may need to peel the apple since it may be hard for your baby to chew and sometimes cooking it could do, depending on the baby’s age.

Cow Liver

The cow liver is also a top health food for babies that have develop strong enough teeth to chew something like that. It has light protein compounds that encourages clotting of blood when your baby is wounded and some traces of iron, which could encourage production of red blood cells. Some studies have shown that Babies, who are fed with enough Liver, have a tendency of growing very tall and strong.

Plain Whole Milk Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent first food because it has bacteria, which are good for intestinal health. Yogurt makers use these bacteria to ferment the milk to produce yogurt. While you can give your baby yogurt at 6 months, you cannot give your baby whole milk.

The fermenting process breaks down the lactose and proteins that could irritate baby’s stomach.

In addition, you need to make proper consultations from the experts before making any decision regarding your baby’s diet.

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