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Atkins Grapefruit Diet

Atkins Grapefruit Diet

There is a diet that has nothing to do with the Atkins Diet, called the Atkins Grapefruit diet, that combines elements of its famous namesake and an all-grapefruit diet.

Don’t look now, but it may not be what people hope.

First of all, it’s pretty difficult to find information on the Atkins grapefruit diet plan. Smart people know that when someone is perpetrating a deception or a con, they will often gloss over facts to hide the truth.

This is what the Atkins grapefruit diet seems to do in an endeavour to get persons to link it with two supposedly adequate diets.

Does this diet have anything to do with the actual Atkins diet?

Nope – the Atkins company doesn’t mention the diet on its website, and the most critical phase of the popular diet called the Induction phase does not allow for any fruit.

The induction phase includes the following foods:

Not a piece of fruit to be found.  Grapefruit and other fruits such as fruit juices are however specified in different phases of the Atkins diet.  The Atkins grapefruit diet, however, relies on grapefruit to a much higher degree than would be allowed in the original Atkins diet.

There’s a lot of grapefruit in this grapefruit diet and up to 18 carbohydrates.  But Atkins calls for no more than 7 grammes of carbs in a day. The two diets just don’t mesh.

A smart person would immediately research the information about this at the official Atkins website in search of the Atkins Grapefruit diet.  It starts to sound fishy when there’s no mention there.

In general, remember this. Fad diets which are to be followed for short periods and that rely heavily on one food should be avoided because eating that way isn’t healthy and can in some cases be harmful.

The rudiments of the Atkins Grapefruit Diet is contrary to that of the Atkins diet. You may also want to check out this post on understanding how this diet works.

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