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How to Remain Motivated to Exercise and Lose Fat

When you first start working out, it is easy to be motivated as it is a novelty.

You are on a high about eating healthier, exercising more and are excited at the prospect of looking better.

However, as time goes by it is easy for motivation levels to wane a bit (or a lot in some instances!) and keeping on track can suddenly seem like an uphill battle that you are bound to lose.

How then do you manage to be motivated to lead a healthier lifestyle regarding your eating and exercise habits?

Read on for some way to keep your motivation levels high (and rising all of the time!).

Don’t Exercise Alone

It is no fun to do some things by yourself. An exercise regimen is more comfortable to maintain as is a plan to lose weight when you have someone who is participating right alongside you.

Take walks or runs together, attend an aerobics class or a spinning class together and check up on each other frequently to make sure that you are both eating healthy.

Throw in a little bit of friendly competition to give you both something to chuckle about together.

Variety Adds Spice to a Weight Loss Plan

Do not do the same exercises all of the time and do not eat the same foods every day. Break out of the cycle of sameness by introducing plenty of variety.

Applies as to the foods you eat as the exercises you do. Find out what exercises work best for you and then do different ones to keep your exercise routine colourful.

Find What Works for You Exercise Wise

Find out what works for you and then, by all means, follow it. For example, if you are not a morning person then don’t put yourself through the gruelling ordeal of taking a walk or going to the gym before you go to work. You might instead decide to take a walk during your lunch hour and then attend an aerobics class after work or after supper. Determine which exercises are most suitable for you as well as what times are most appropriate for your schedule.

Be as Positive as Possible

If your attitude is not as upbeat or as positive as it should be then it is time to adjust it. Fight negative thinking and focus on the beneficial side of exercise and a healthy diet. Make a note of how good you feel after you eat a healthy meal and after you exercise. Remind yourself of how much healthier you are getting. Reward yourself in small ways for reaching your goals. Just make sure the reward is not a pizza or a hot fudge sundae!

Visualise Your Healthier and Sleeker Self

Picture yourself looking slim and fantastic! Visualise yourself walking into work or on a social occasion wearing a brand new outfit that shows off how fabulous you look. Visualising a sleeker looking you can help keep you pushing on toward your weight loss goals. See yourself as a thinner and healthier person.

Allow visualisation to help keep you motivated for now and in the future.



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