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Infectious Disease And Glyconutrients

Glyconutrients or Monosaccharide’s are the building blocks of carbohydrates.

These sugars are also known as the essential sugars or eight essential sugars.

Mono- Means Single and Saccharide- Means Sugar.

The essential elements of carbohydrates are found mostly in plants.

These essential sugars are not the same as what we know as table sugar, they are however nutrient rich carbohydrates that can be found in foods.

Our Bodies and Infectious Disease

So why are we attracting more infectious disease today than ever before?

The answer is very simple poor nutrients in our diet. In today’s diet we are only really receiving two of the eight essential sugars that our body requires to function correctly.

Our bodies are being depleted of nutrients through such things as;

  1. Alcohol – This diminishes nutrient stores and interferes with numerous nutrients in our body
  2. Antacids – That combine Aluminum and Magnesium Hydroxides, can deplete Vitamins A and B1, as well as Iron,Phosphate and Calcium.
  3. Barbiturates -Increase the bodies need for Vitamin D
  4. Caffeine -Because of its Diuretic properties, Can double Calcium Loss.

These are only some of the causes of our immune deficiencies in today’s society the list goes on…

Unfortunately many people don’t view nutrition in this way that I’m about to explain. 

Instead most people get thoroughly confused about nutrition and calories, protein, carbs, fat, diet foods, low-fat, low-cholesterol, low-carb, healthy label claims, vegetarian, raw foods, etc, etc. What the Heck Am I Talking About, Find Out Here

We are all very aware of the affects on our body when we are lacking nutrients, you don’t even have to take our word for it,  just listen to the media whether that is television ,newspaper or magazine.

Even some doctors are now concentrating on a healthy diet as added protection from disease.

Unfortunately for doctors there has been very little in there medical text books about healthy nutrition until today, they are now becoming more aware of these sugars for a healthy lifestyle and better way of life.

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