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What Are The Best Exercises For The Obliques

When you’re doing your abdominal workouts, you should be sure to work all the muscles in your stomach area.

This means you’ll need to come up with exercises for the obliques. The obliques are the abdominal muscles that run diagonally on the sides of your stomach. When these muscles are toned, they will give your figure a very shapely and tapered appearance.

The Most Popular Exercises Are Oblique Crunches

To do this exercise, you will need to lie down on your back and bend your knees. Make sure that you keep your feet together and let your legs fall to the sides of your body. Place your hands behind your neck, and keep your knees together.

Raise your shoulders a few inches off the ground until you have reached the crunch position. Lower your shoulders back down to the ground, and repeat the exercise on both sides of your body.

More Exercises For The Obliques Are The Truck Twist Or What Is Called The Jackknife

For the truck twist, you should place your feet shoulder width apart, and put your hands on your hips. Twist just your upper body as far to the right as you can. Then rotate back to the front and twist your body as far to the left as you can.

For the jackknife, lie on your right side with your feet together. Put one hand behind your neck and make sure that your elbows are pointing up. Lift your torso and right leg up at the same time.

Lower your torso slowly, and try to do about 10 to 12 repetitions on each side.

Make Sure You Do Exercises For The Obliques At Least Three Times A Week

You need to do this if you want to see results. These workouts should also be combined with cardiovascular activities. This will help you to burn the fat in all areas of your body, and the oblique exercises will tone the muscles that are left after the fat is gone.

Be sure to give your body some time to get accustomed to these ab exercises, so start out slow with your cardiovascular activities.

Try walking for about 20 or 30 minutes after dinner, and then work your way to doing at least a mile a day on the treadmill.

Exercises for the obliques are also more effective when you’re eating properly. Working out every day has to be paired with the right diet in order to work. Be sure to take out all refined carbohydrates and sugars from your diet.

This will take fat away from your stomach area in a matter of days. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and be sure to drink plenty of water every single day.

To Learn more about toning those abs you might want to take a look at the Truth About Abs.

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