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What Is Trans Fat

Do you eat fast food often that is full of trans fat?

When you cook at home, do you often prepare dishes that contain cream, butter, or excess amounts of sugar?

Do you eat lots of greasy or fried foods? If so, you’re exposing yourself and your family to high trans fat levels, and this could lead to some serious health problems.

Understanding Trans Fat

The hydrogenated oils that are used in many of the foods we eat on a regular basis are the cause of obesity, heart trouble and a host of other problems, but there are plenty of things you can do to make sure that your levels are healthy–and your food still tastes great.

One of the resources you’ll want to check out when you’re trying to get rid of trans fat in your diet is fry test. This site has a list of oils that have no trans fats that you can use to fry or prepare your foods. Many people are now starting to use olive oil much more in their cooking because it is healthier for the heart and does not clog the arteries.

Click Here To Find Out What Good Trans Fat Is Vs Bad Trans Fat

You may also want to consider canola oil in your cooking; even if you deep fry a dish every once in a while, this oil is much healthier to use than lard or butter, which is traditionally used for some of America’s favourite foods, like fried chicken or burgers.

You Can Avoid Trans Fat By Reading Food Labels

Keep in mind that just because you see lots of products these days that say ‘low fat’ or ‘fat-free’ in the grocery store, this is not an automatic indication that the product is healthy for you to consume. You’ll need to read the ingredients carefully to find out if there is any trans fat present in the food item, and you’ll have to compare the amount of fat in this food with the other foods that you’re incorporating into your diet for the week to make sure that your levels stay down.

Most of the commercial snacks and entree mixes that you can purchase at your local supermarket are loaded with trans fat, and if you’re not careful, you could be including excessive amounts of fat in your diet–and your family’s diet–without even realising it.

Another resource you may want to consider when you’re trying to lower your cholesterol level or take the trans fat out of your diet is Ban Trans Fats. This organisation sued Kraft so that the company would reduce the amount of trans fat found in Oreos. As a result, Kraft not only made Oreos healthier but made the same fat reduction changes to about 650 other products as well.

There is even an FDA labelling rule about letting people know how much fat is in a food item, so you’ll be able to monitor your heart health better. The organisation also sued McDonald’s in 2003, since the restaurant chain led the public to believe that it had switched to a healthier cooking oil, which turned out not to be entirely true.

After this lawsuit, McDonald’s used notices in all its locations to notify customers that a healthier change had not been made, and $7 million was given to the American Heart Association for a trans fat program.

Want to know more about how you can reduce the trans fat in your diet, lose weight, and protect your heart?

You can also visit FDA website to learn more about Trans Fat or the Mayo Clinic website to understand more about dietary fats for practical lifestyle tips you can use every day.


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